Love Has Limits 

Sadly, like Joseph’s brothers, some people have tried to kill the competition to improve their position. But, besides being sent to prison or a mental institution, they fail to remove the “competition” from the object of their desire’s heart.

Grounds For Divorce

"Can a person get divorced for another reason besides adultery, or the unbelieving spouse departing, and marry someone else without being an adulterer? If you said “No” you are absolutely correct, but please continue reading. Likewise, if you said “Yes” you are also correct..."

“Relationship Reality Check: “Warning Shot” 

"...There are different ways to convey to a person that you are not interested in getting into a relationship with him or her, or remaining in a relationship with that person. In the latter, it speaks volumes when a person in a relationship could not see a breakup coming, at all. In the case of a divorce, a person is not required to tell the other person that he or she is going to file for a divorce."


"However, that Christian has to honestly consider if there is something about him or her that requires adjudication in a court of law. Some professing Christians are engaging in behavior the Lord does not approve of. Behavior that is both ungodly and unlawful. That is why some “Christians” are in jail for murder, sex crimes, abuse, etc. Those are examples of things the church is not suited to handle, and churches don’t usually operate prisons. Another example is that a church cannot grant a divorce."

The Tree of Life 

He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; He was despised, and we esteemed Him not. Surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him...


"The devil's War Against Your God-ordained Marriage" and "The Process: The Refiner's Fire" are available on in paperback and ebook. However, the Lord directed me to make copies free to the public so here are free PDF versions of both books: Learn how the devil is trying to keep you single forever. the-devils-war-against-your-god-ordained-marriage-free-copyDownload Spiritual... Continue Reading →

Spiritual Warfare: The Full Armor of God

"Many believers like the shield of faith because they can hide behind it. In spiritual warfare, you have to put the shield of faith to work and use your feet that are covered with the gospel of peace to move towards the enemy if necessary. Don’t always sit back and take the enemy’s blows, put the fear of the Lord in him. Note how when David was going to battle Goliath that he ran towards the giant (1 Samuel 17:48). David’s willingness to take the fight to the enemy is an example of him showing his faith by his works because faith without works is dead (James 2)."

Relationships: Do The Work

"In summary, in a God-ordained relationship, a woman never has to wonder how the man feels about her; he will let her know, via his words and deeds. He will not have doubts about her because..."

Scales of Justice 

"It only takes an ounce of pure truth to destroy your pound of lies, similarly to the impact of an ounce of steel compared to a pound of feathers. When you intentionally make a false allegation in an effort to expose someone, you are actually exposing the condition of your heart. After all, the mouth speaks what the heart is filled with (Luke 6:45). Good fruit does not come from a bitter heart."

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