Prophecy 101: For Me or For Thee?

There is a proliferation of people claiming the Lord revealed something to them, but the fruit of the revelation frequently shows otherwise. A part of the issue is how those revelations are stewarded. This message is about going back to the basics of prophetic ministry, to examine the foundations of why there are so many... Continue Reading →

Prophetic Pollution

There are so many prophets nowadays yet so few meaningful prophecies, such as calls for repentance in a sinful world. Sadly, too many prophecies merely contribute to "prophetic noise pollution", like an orchestra with a conductor.

🔥😇God is (Still) Supernatural😇🔥

Every Christian believes in Jesus Christ, but some do not believe everything that is recorded in the Bible. Sadly, some Christians believe the things in the Bible but would not have believed those things if they had lived back then. That is evident in despite the Biblical narrative, they do not believe those things can and do happen today. Other Christians have no choice but to believe because they have experienced things the Bible addresses.

🦅Prophetic Commentary🦅

Commentary is not necessarily prophetic or prophecy. Hence, it behooves ministers to limit commentary that could be misconstrued as and/or conflated with prophecy. When judging prophecy, ensure it was not commentary because sometimes prophets speculate.

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