Prophecy 101: For Me or For Thee?

There is a proliferation of people claiming the Lord revealed something to them, but the fruit of the revelation frequently shows otherwise. A part of the issue is how those revelations are stewarded. This message is about going back to the basics of prophetic ministry, to examine the foundations of why there are so many... Continue Reading →

🍇The Fruit of Pursuit🌶

"One of the worst damnable offenses is trying to use sabotage to destroy the competition. Sadly, when the “competition” is a person the Lord ordained for the position, the lying saboteur is trying to fight against God."

Prophetic (Visual) Acuity

"Prophets must maintain their integrity. They cannot fall into the trap of prophesying what people want to hear. Prophets must maintain their allegiance to the Lord and submit to His will, even if that costs them speaking engagements (which is another topic)."

😷Team Player😷

"As a Christian, you will face those dilemmas, some of which will try to pit you against Jesus Christ. It is important that being and remaining on “Team Jesus” reigns supreme. The person you should be most concerned with disappointing is Jesus Christ."

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