Calling Out Witches

"...I suggest that we use the term “witch” sparingly. Let us reserve it for those who are knowingly and more so willingly practicing witchcraft as opposed to those who are in error and/or deception."


"Many foul spirits, and people who have partnered with them (some knowingly and willingly), are using the Son of God’s name to screen their overt yet clandestine operations. No wonder Jesus, the Good Shepherd, said He was returning to separate His sheep from the goats (Matthew 25:31-46)."


"When Elijah summoned the Israelites to Mount Carmel, it was not to show that he was the “master” or “major” prophet in the land. (And don’t get me started on those bogus titles that some of today’s prophets are using to aggrandize themselves.) Elijah called the Israelites to ask how long they would waiver between two opinions, and to point them solely to the true and living God. The same applies today; if the Lord is God, follow Him (1 Kings 18:21)."


"...I also need to tell you to avoid always asking the Lord to confirm His Words. I do not say that because you could end up tempting the Lord. On the contrary, I am here to implore you to ask the Lord to confirm OR DENY a revelation. Many people get led astray because they receive a revelation that could be an idol of their heart as opposed to a revelation from the Lord."

“Help Meet” vs. “Hater”   

"...This is a Biblical exposition of when a man marries a woman who may have seemed like his help meet but was actually a hater. By the way, as you are about to see, I was inspired to use the term “hater” more so than it simply being a colloquial."

Love Notes: The Three Little Pigs   

"Establish firm boundaries. Forget about the straw and sticks and build boundaries from bricks. Keep a loose brick or more for those who keep trying to violate your boundaries. You may have to give the wolf a reason to go away, and more importantly, stay away from you."


"However, that Christian has to honestly consider if there is something about him or her that requires adjudication in a court of law. Some professing Christians are engaging in behavior the Lord does not approve of. Behavior that is both ungodly and unlawful. That is why some “Christians” are in jail for murder, sex crimes, abuse, etc. Those are examples of things the church is not suited to handle, and churches don’t usually operate prisons. Another example is that a church cannot grant a divorce."

Exposing False Prophecies: 23 Reasons Why Prophecies Fail 

Messengers deliver false prophecies for reasons that include:

1. God did not speak.
2. The messenger is a false prophet.
3. Presumption.
4. Impure spirits.
5. Disclosing personal information.
6. The messenger is a people pleaser.
7. Departing from Scriptures.
8. Lying prophet (no reverence for God).
9. Relationship with Christ.


"Closure is meant to give at least one person an understanding of why the relationship came to an end, so he/she can accept that the relationship is over, and move on. Yet, closure is an empty word for someone who does not want the relationship to end. The person is simply using the term “closure” to maintain at least one line of communication in an effort to reel the person back in. Can “exes” be friends? Yes, but not in every situation, especially if one still has romantic feelings for the other, and more importantly, does not want the former partner to be with anyone else. Plus there are different levels of friendship..."


"...If a minister has ever told you to pray for a person to return to the ministry, was that God’s will or the minister’s? Also, if you know the ministry is oppressive, why would you pray for someone to return to it?"

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